Dos Cervezas, Por Favor!

We visited Salt Spring Island this weekend, to celebrate Reg's 94th birthday and to share the goodies we picked up in Venezuela.  Unfortunately we couldn't bring back any food, but we were able to snag a few cans of Polar, (pronounced poh-LAR)  the beer they used to enjoy and we bought a couple of bottles of Cacique (cah-SEE-kay), the coveted rum.   Here's Mike and his brother Bob enjoying the Polar, but I'm told it doesn't taste quite the same.  They feel it's due to the fact that in the old days the cans were steel and the current aluminum cans affect the flavour.


  1. Please tell me Reg isn't pictured here!?!?!? There is no way the man in the grey sweater is that age. I want to see Reg...

    1. Not pictured here. You've seen Reg lots of time this year, don't want to give you too much of a good thing. lol.

  2. I'm considering this more of a gentle request;-) So much is lost in comment translation.

    1. Tru Dat. In truth it was very dark in the restaurant and later in the house where I took pictures of the festivities. The quality was poor so I didn't want to use them. I did update the March 5th post when I realized that though I have spoken of Reg many times since I started my blog, I think there are only one or two photos of him.


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