Someday Sunday

In my ideal world there is one day a week, when I don't do laundry, or grocery shop, vaccum or clean out the litter box, or waste time on Facebook and Pinterest.  That day is called the Sabbath in many religions and no matter what your beliefs, a day of rest or a day to spend time with family has to be a very good idea. 

Now that I've completed my writing course I am in house cleaning/organizing/de-cluttering mode.  The thought of a Sunday (or any day) free of housework guilt, and time spent with the ones I love is motivating me to get things done.

Today I spent most of the day deep cleaning the kitchen.  Four pets and three people who have a tendency to walk through the house with their shoes on brings in a lot of dirt.  I didn't take a photo of the finished product, but if you're curious it looked pretty much like this post from last June.

I also spent some time working on my Blurb photo book from our drive along the Oregon Coast in September 2010.  Today's photo taken on the beach at Seaside is the picture I decided to use for the cover - a great example of a special Sunday.


  1. Beautiful photo! I take a day of rest each week, as well. It's good for the soul. And, it isn't owned by any Sunday. I feel it counts if I take any day, one time per week, to rest, regardless which day it is within a 7 day time frame.

  2. I don't know what I would do without our Sabbath! Not only do we catch up on some rest (sometimes too much!) but it's a chance to come together as a family, meet with friends we don't always have time for in the hustle and bustle of the week and have a spiritual renewal as well! Like LOVD said, "it's good for the soul," and in more ways than I can count! Some people see it as a day you "can't" do this and "can't" do that... for me, it's all about what I CAN do for a change! Thanks for this insightful post :-)


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