Gratitude and Synchronicity

Today I'm most grateful for the way one thing leads to another.  Life's funny that way.  Call it synchronicity, coincidence or fate but it's been proven to me so many times, that ...the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.  This Goethe quote has turned up before on these pages and it informs my gratitude list this week where I am very thankful:

98.   for the friends who invited me to join them for the big 40th birthday bash in NYC this summer, since I'll be turning the big 5-0.  Looks like 50 is the new 40!

99.   that the trip to The Big Apple will dovetail perfectly with my plan to visit my Dad this summer.

Kelowna's Big Apple on Gyro Beach
100.  for Joyce whose encouragement has brought some wonderful things into my life, including a great new friendship.

101.  for emails from MG that have motivated me to continue writing Reg's story, even after my course is complete at the end of this month.

102.  for my husband.  So many things could have prevented us from ever meeting.  Of course this is true of everyone, but I'm particularly grateful today for all the little things, all the choices we made, that brought us together.  

103.  for my daughter, for many things, but today for showing me how to Photoshop this picture in much easier way than the tutorials I googled.

104.  for fellow blogger Lilly, a generous, talented woman who I've gotten to know on Feel Loved Everyday.  Though I've been practicing Daily Gratitude for years, she first inspired me to make my gratitude public through her own weekly declarations. This has led to me spending time thanking people in person, not just on paper and I think that's a pretty great thing for all.


  1. I love this!! This is so wonderful, the gratitude you are declaring. So, you've been doing this for awhile...haven't you seen the benefits? Aren't blessings come back to you, the more you give out?

    1. Oh yes, I've been doing it for years and seeing the benefits for years. I'm am truly grateful every day, not just Mondays. Sometimes I feel guilt for have such blessings. :)

  2. That is the loveliest thing I've read about me in a long time - thank you. And I am grateful for you, Suzan. Your photos are wonderful, your words are also inspiring, and I'm so lucky to know you.

    I'm bookmarking this so when I need a pick-me-up and motivation to keep doing what I'm doing, I'll read this and keep on keeping on!

    LOVD tidings, friend.

    1. My pleasure Lilly - I only said it 'cause it's true!


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