Good News Bad News

The bad news is my daughter is moving out this weekend, and yes, you guessed it, the good news is my daughter is moving out this weekend.   As I suggested in the blog post, when she returned to us last fall, I was concerned about the effects of her social life on me, thinking I'd be worried about her staying out late.  Turns out I was right, I worried for nothing.  I guess I've just learned to trust my daughter.  

She's really is fun to have around and I've loved hearing her perspective on things going on in the world.  I've enjoyed hearing about her anthropology and fine art classes and the young men and women in her life.  It's both so different and similar to my own experience in the 80's.   I've also loved having someone else make dinner every Friday night and the recipes she shared like this flavourful one for spinach soup.

I've been sitting here trying to come up with some reasons that I'm not sorry she's leaving but there really isn't much of a list.  Some nights when we go to bed she's still up and moving around in her room above our own so that's a bit noisy, and sometimes you can hear her Blackberry vibrate on the floor in the middle of the night, but these are hardly hardships in my life.  

I do know she'll be glad to go.  She takes the bus most places and it's a very long ride to the University, to her two jobs and to the fitness club she goes to almost every day.  Last weekend they changed the bus routes which means she now has to change twice to get to the university and on weekday afternoons, one exchange has a two minute window to get the connection. Needless to say the first time she tried it the bus was late.  The wait would have made her an hour late for her class so she came home.  Turns out even if she had made it, she wouldn't have been able to come home by bus.  The bus from the university arrives at the first exchange fifteen minutes after the last bus of the night comes out our way around 10 p.m.  Way to go BC Transit.  The good news is that from her new place she'll be able to walk to everywhere but the university.

I guess the good news for me is that she's leaving the nest just like she's supposed to and I'll miss her, just like I'm supposed to.  


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