That Time of Year

Of course I'm talking about the yearly pap test that women must subject themselves to each year. Frankly, I'd rather have a week of mammograms than go for a pap test, yet I used to schedule one faithfully ever year. Then a while back through a series of uncontrollable events, I ended up with a male doctor - who incidentally is awesome...but still, I started procrastinating. For three years.
If you've been putting your pap test off, this post is for you. Just make the appointment. After I left the office this morning, I was so relieved and so happy I'd done it. It hardly took any time at all...I arrived at the office at 10:28 read a few pages of my book and was back in my car just before 11.
A pap test is an incredibly important tool in preventing cervical cancer. It's incidence has declined steadily in Canada over the past decade, as a result of early screening. Once countries begin a yearly screening program, the incidence of death caused by cervical cancer drops 50%. Do yourself and your family a favour and if you're due for a pap test, call your doctor's office and make an appointment today. You'll only regret it if you don't.
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