Saturday Supper

I dropped my hubby off at the airport to catch a flight to Phoenix this morning.  He and a coworker planned to join a client for a few days of golf.  "A vacation from his vacation?" my friend messaged.  "No, a vacation from the past two weeks with me," I replied with an LOL. 

Unfortunately their flight was cancelled due to a mechanical issue with the plane.  I celebrated having my honey  home for an extra day by whipping together what turned out to be a yummy dinner.  Sometimes scrounging in the fridge and pantry can lead to delicious creativity.  

Who knew a chicken breast with a thin layer of Nayonase and dijon, coated in Panko could be so flavourful and juicy.  It was an organic chicken breast from Mission Meat which gave me a bit of an edge.  I stuffed a zucchini with some sauteed mushrooms, onion and garlic, sprinkled it with Italian spices  and covered it with the left over provolone and mozzarella from Thursday's pizza.  The broccoli was simply steamed and the most labour intensive was the brown rice pilaf.  I browned some pinenuts in butter, removed them from the pan, added chopped onion and garlic, cooked until the onions started to brown.  Then I added the rice and vegetable broth, cooked it for close to an hour and then added the pine nuts and a sprinkling of dried parsley at the end. 


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