Monday, Monday...So Good To Me!

It's gratitude Monday once again.  Today I'm most grateful because:

86.  I received an encouraging email from my writing mentor and it has really motivated me.

87.  I had a nice chat with my son yesterday morning.  Miss him!

88.  we have car insurance and I remembered to take the car in today.  While we were away, on a slippery snowy evening our bumper got crunched while our daughter was stopped at a light.

89.  I have book club tonight.  I missed the last meeting and those awesome ladies!

90.  last night I decided to take two Robaxacet before bedtime instead of one. I had a pain free night and I'm relatively pain free so far today.

Just had to add one more.

91.  there are service people who can be very pleasant to deal with.  Just got off the phone with "Troy" at Visa and he was so helpful and polite.  Didn't charge me for reprinting my June statement for the business Visa and it has appeared in my email box in record time.


  1. You are right, much to be grateful for, even when we are tested.


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