Many Thanks!

Yup, it's Gratitude Monday once again.  I thought I'd share Ralph Waldo Emerson's list of five that I came across this morning:
"For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends."  

Sometimes it's the simple things in life that we appreciate the most.   Today I am grateful:

76.  that the fog finally lifted from the Valley allowing my husband's plane to land without any delays.  I'm so happy to have him home.

77.   for Reg's compelling stories.  Talking to him always gets me excited about writing and has lifted the fog of procrastination that enveloped me last week.

78.  that my Iranian friends escaped the clutches of Evin prison and the Ayatollah and were able to immigrate to a much safer place.  I've been reading Marina Nemat's Memoir and I think you should too.  I can't imagine a life such as this and I'm so thankful to have been born in Canada.

79.  that it's Galentine's Day!  I deeply appreciate all of you wonderful ladies out there - mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, bloggers, cousins, aunties, nieces, and compatriots who make me laugh, encourage me, take my advice, ignore my advice, challenge me, share your stories of sorrow and triumph and everything you do to make me feel rich.  I love you all!

80.  that my puppies force me to go out and get some fresh air and meet new and interesting people at the Dog Park every day.  Happy 8 month birthday Max


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