Wordful Wednesday

This morning I tried to post my Wordless Wednesday with photos of my week taken with my iPhone.  Blogger tells me I have used up my 1 GB of free photo storage space.  Apparently I can purchase more space or I can used another 5GB for free via gmail.  Unfortunately they don't tell you how to do that and with great irony, I can't seem to find any instructions via Google.  If anyone can enlighten me with a link, it would be much appreciated.


  1. Wish I could help you. Same thing happened to me. I just went ahead and paid for the extra storage - $4 per month. I figure I owe it to them as I've gotten a lot out of using blogspot.

    1. I was planning on ending my posts by 2013, so I guess I'm going out with a whisper rather than a bang. :)


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