Late Afternoon Gratitude

Abbott Street 

The grey November days are well upon us and I feel the need to hibernate.  I'm a homebody at heart and as many of you know, once the sun goes down it's difficult at the best of times to get me to leave my house.  This time of year it's next to impossible.  Often, on these damp, dark afternoons I relish the opportunity to hunker down and enjoy simple things so easily taken for granted.  Today I'm grateful for: 

- a roof over my head

- a working furnace

- reliable electricity

- clean water

- tea and cocoa

- homemade soup

- a cozy blanket and a good book

- someone to snuggle with


  1. Better late than never, as you go into "hermit-mode" for winter's hibernation. I'll be thinking of you on Thursday - thankful for my bloggy friend:-)


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