My Favourite Kelowna Street

It's a dream of mine to live on Kelowna's aptly named Maple Street.   Any house would be fine, but I don't think I've ever seen one of them for sale.  At a party last weekend I overheard a woman  say "That was when they sold the house on Maple."  My head swung around so quickly I almost got whiplash and I said "You mean there was a house for sale on Maple?!"  and she replied, "Oh, that was years ago."  *sigh* 

My daughter lives in a house that backs onto one of these lovely homes and that may be the closest I ever get ...but you never know.

I think this one is my favourite.

  But I'd be quite happy with this one too...

 Oh, to live where the tree branches arch across the road and meet in the middle.

 Love this ginko tree.  I didn't know they grew this big....the leaves are so delicate looking!


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