Things I love about September, 1-10

Every year when September arrives our local radio personalities and Facebook Kelownites start to complain.  "Summer is over," they whine.  "It's so cold/rainy/grey," they moan.  I'll never understand people and their short memories when it comes to weather.  These are mostly people who have lived in Kelowna for years.  They seem to forget that this is how September begins in the Okanagan and by the second week can count on brilliant blue skies with golden afternoons in the mid to high twenties.

Almost every one of the twenty Septembers I've experienced in Kelowna have started with rain or cooler temperatures.  This year it has actually been a blessing.  It frustrates me that people seem to have already forgotten the tinder dry forests, the campfire ban, the days it was 20 degrees before 7 a.m.  They don't seem to recall the smoke hanging over the lake and the days in late August when there was so much smoke in the air it felt like we'd been transported back to 2003 - the summer when Okanagan Mountain Park fire consumed 239 houses and 250 square kilometres of forest.

There was so much smoke in the valley on August 24 this year, that for more than a week outdoor adult and children's league soccer and baseball were cancelled.  When the rain and cooler weather came, shouldn't it have been a welcome relief?  I'm sure the fire fighters, evacuees, and those who rely on forestry and agriculture were grateful. 

Last September I tried to put a positive spin on September and posted a daily comment with #it's still summer.  This year I decided to change it up a bit and am posting "What I love about September".  Some people might call it passive aggressive. I like to call it positive thinking.  Since many of you aren't on Facebook I thought I'd share what I have so far.


1. So many friends and family members have September birthdays...Let the Virgopalooza begin!

2. The month almost always starts with cooler weather and rain but the last weeks turn into mid twenty temps with golden afternoons.

3. Earth Wind and Fire:  September

4. When you put on last winter's jeans and they feel loose.

5.  On this day an adorable little boy with a big 'ole butt came into the world.

6.  Buying back-to-school supplies, even though you're not in school anymore and neither 
     are your kids.

7. Having hubby home for an extra day on Labour Day weekend.
8.  Family visits. We have my Dad here now and expect to have two more sets of visitors before Thanksgiving.

 Looking over Shannon Lake Golf Course
9.   It's still summer! Sunny and 22 degrees today.

10. The return of the Faerie Tree.


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