The Thanks Giving Tree

I decided to put a little twist on The Wishing Tree and created a Thanks Giving Tree for the month of October.  I instructed people to use the tags to share something they were grateful for.

Autumn winds and rain have taken their toll.  This afternoon I decided it was best to remove things, as most tags were completely saturated and many were flying about the neighbourhood. 

I was again, pleasantly surprised at the large number of people who participated, and the small number that chose to write inappropriate things.  Then again who am I to judge what is inappropriate?  I left all the tags up and found that the tree was self censoring.  Most of the raunchy ones disappeared by the time I collected them today.

Much gratitude to all who participated and a special thanks to the person who repaired the pencil box.

Here are the words of gratitute, in no particular order, with no editing to grammar and spelling. Some people wrote their names on the tags but since they probably didn't know they'd go on my blog, I put first names only.

I am thankful for my family

Thankful for Aleecia

I am thankful for someone giving us this opportunity to thank.  I am thankful for 3 beautiful grandaughters.  I am thankful to live in Canada where we are free.

I'm thankful for a loving and healthy family.

I am thancflo for mi stuffys from Ava

I am thankful for friends.   Owen

My dog

My big Anaconda.  

I too am thankful for snakes, kangaroos, dogs and all of earth's amazing critters.  And this tree!

I am thankful for Gods Blessings so undeserved.  Yet so unreserved full and free Thank you my Lord & Savior!  to God be the glory . Great things He has done.

We are thankful for our mommies.

Candy was here.

I'm thankful for My family

I am thankful for my animals and all the nice thing they do.  Alyssa xoxo

Read Books

I'm thankful for healthy children.

what a wonderful Idea.

I am thankful for Peace & Family

I'm thankful for insulin and extended health care.

Thankful for filmour and Big Al.

Thankful for the peole and animals I have round me, and a special thanks to Ona, who passed away today.

I am thankful for coming accross this tree.  God Bless and thank you for sharing the abundance of your love. :)  â™¡

I am thankful for Jesus  without him there is no restoration

I am thankful for the sunshine and having a loving, healhty family.  I am blessed.

I am thankful for two siblings.  & Seans moms carrott cake.

I am thankful for leaves, people, dogs, buses and my family   Aryanna and Sidewalk.....

I am thankful my family is all alive.  

I am thankful for my health and many more blessings in my life.  I am thankful for this Thanks Giving tree.  

I am thankful I have the best Mom Ever.  

We are thankful for a wonderful family & friends, our health, love & ability to forgive!

I am thankful for my lego.  

I am thankful for my friends

I am thankful for One Direction and Channing Tatum and Zac Efron and O2L.

I am thankful for the love and the health of my family - we need nothing else in our lives! ♡

I am thankful for all the kangaroos at the Kangaroo Farm (specially Darwin!)  :)

I am thankful for everything.  India

I am thankful for my new born baby "Mateo" and my beutiful fiance "Staro"

I am thankful for my family, friends, educating and health.

I am thankful for my family & friends.  And this beautiful neighbourhood.

Everlasting Life through Christ our Saviour!

I'm thankful for the life I was given ♡

I'm thankful for my happy and Healthy family.

I am thankful for LIFE, food, shelter, Jesus, clothes

I'm thankful for having a roof over my head.

I am thankful for my family & my families health and that we are loving close together and see each other often.  Anne

I thankful for food

I am grateful for fantastic teachers like Mike Ross - OKM

I am thankful for a great life and family

I am thankful for my wonderful daughter & husband. â™¡

I am thankful for my new job so I can give my Mom one last wish.

I am thankful for you.  Conner

I'm thankful for NETFLIX

I am thankful for My life and Dance

Im thankful for "hotsprings" and Netflix, Caspar Lee, friends, electronicity, Janoskians 

I am thankful for the kindness and generosity of my neighbours, their openness and their sense of community.


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