Grateful When the Chicks Come Home to Roost

On this Easter Monday the things I'm grateful for revolve around how lucky I am to have some of my family so close.

I'm grateful it was so easy for my son and father-in-law to get to Kelowna for Easter weekend.

I'm grateful that my son and his Grandpa were able to spend so much time together this weekend.  I didn't realize it had been well over a year since they'd seen each other.

I'm grateful Reg enjoys sharing his stories around the dinner table, and the lunch table, and the breakfast table, and the coffee table...

I'm grateful we had an extra guest for Easter dinner.  It's nice to share a family meal with someone whose family is far away.

I'm grateful my son's flight was later in the day so we were able to hike with the dogs out to Paul's Tomb this afternoon.

I'm grateful my daughter's grandfather will be in town to see her work in the SOPA U8 art show which opens Thursday night.


  1. Wow, Suzan, looks to me like you've got tons to be grateful for! So happy you could spend time with your Kiddos and other family. Nice of you to open your home to a friend and share your family and good food, too.


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