Flying With Rita

I used to think I was pretty quick.  Lately it seems to take my brain days to sift through my experiences and make the connections it used to make in seconds.

I hiked with the dogs to Paul's Tomb on Wednesday while listening to Q on my iPhone.  Jian Gomeshi played clips of Rita McNeil singing some of her hits and asked his guests to share their reactions to the death of the Cape Breton songstress Tuesday night.  It took me until this morning to realize the coincidence of what I was photographing at the time.   Thought I'd share some of the photos I took of a the red tailed hawk we saw, along with the Lyrics to Flying on Your Own.  Rita was a lovely singer/songwriter and by all accounts a lovely person.  She will be missed.

You were never more strong girl
You were never more alone
Once there was two, now there's just you
You're flying on your own

You were never more happy girl
You were never also so blue
Once heartache begins, nobody wins
You're flying on your own

And when you know the wings you ride
Can keep you in the sky
There isn't anyone holding back you

First you stumble
then you fall
You reach out and you fly
There isn't anything 
that you can't do

You were never more wise girl
You were never more a fool
Once you break through, it's all up to you
You're flying on your own

You were never more together
You were never more apart
Once pieces of you, were all that you knew
You're flying on your own

And when you know the wings you ride
Can keep you in the sky
There isn't anyone holding back you

First you stumble
then you fall
You reach out and you fly
There isn't anything that you can't do


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