Simply Grateful

No special theme this week for my declarations of gratitude.  I'm just grateful for:

the clear roads and easy drive to and from Penticton this weekend.

the opportunity to see Nano Stern's performance Saturday night at The Dream Cafe.   If you have the chance to see him I highly recommend it.  He's performing in the CBC studio in Vancouver tomorrow so you may get a chance to hear him on the radio.  He's a talented musician and an excellent entertainer - funny and informative.  The Dream Cafe is also a great venue and the food was delicious! Watch for more details on our visit to Penticton in a post later this week.

the fact that we are 99% finished the main floor renos.

our realtor, Ellen Churchill who has been a great help with suggestions for the house.  She's taken us through a number of places in our preferred location and I'm always grateful for her honest appraisals and thoughtful suggestions.

the sunny February we've had.  Yes I am obsessed with the sun in the winter and yesterday was the first day in four weeks that we did get at least a little sunshine.

the people who have sponsored me and donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  There's still a week left to donate and help me reach this year's goal of $400.00

Click here to see what was going on last year on this date.


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