Gratitude Monday with Optimism

This first Monday in February I'm feeling grateful for the things that keep my sometimes deluded optimism alive.  I always hope for the best but often I secretly expect the worst.

I'm extremely grateful for John and Ellie, owners of Mr. Sandless who refinished our hardwood floors last week.  They're about 15 years old (the floors, not John and Ellie) and though they were pretty good in most spots, a swath of grey, bare wood led you up the stairs and into the kitchen.  We never did get around to putting a rug under the dining room table so the chairs had scraped things up pretty good despite the felt pads under the legs.  After all the stress I've been through with contractors on this reno it was such a joy to have things turn out better than expected.

I'm grateful the usual suspects were able to make it to our annual January Wine and Dine this year and we added two more couples.  We enjoyed a delicious three course meal for $25 at Chop.

I'm grateful for all the sunshine we've had lately.  The sun was out everyday but Thursday for the past nine days. I know some of you won't believe me but it's true!  I've been keeping track because it amazes me how short people's memories are when it comes to the sun this time of year.  It hasn't been sunny all day long but I think at least half an hour counts since it only takes 15 minutes to get your daily dose of Vitamin D - and you can't deny the great weekend we had with blue sky all day Saturday and most of Sunday morning.  It really is a myth that Kelowna is grey all winter.

I'm grateful that the wishing tree has taken on a life of its own.  Recently I read a wish that wished for more cards to write wishes on.  I'd better get on that!

I'm grateful my son gave me a call the other night, for no particular reason.  Even though we're only four hours apart, those mountains make it challenging to visit in the winter and I really miss him.

I'm grateful I'll be spending some time with my daughter this afternoon and that she'll be joining us for dinner. Our conflicting schedules have kept us apart for a couple of weeks.


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