Simple Gratitude

I caught an interview with Neil Pasricha on Canada  AM this morning.  Neil wrote the blog 1,000 Awesome Things and if you've never read it, check it out. It really is...well..awesome! I discovered it around Awesome Thing number 300.  He turned it into a book last year, and I highly recommend having it on hand.  It reminds me of how it's the simple things in life that make it so special.  Since today is Gratitude Monday, it was perfect timing to encourage me to think about the little things I'm thankful for.

Today I'm grateful for:

the very special time I've spent with my father these past few weeks.

the beautiful weather allowing for our daily walks in the neighbourhood or along the shore of Lake Ontario.

that I was able to see the CN tower from Heydenshore Park almost thirty miles away (yeah, I know you haters want to be horrified by the smog, but it also has to do with distance, light and temperature - bloddy hot here today!).

discovering things about my father, my mother and myself that I didn't know.

pharmacies that stay open late on Sunday night.

friends who have been so kind and know Kelowna is a great place to visit - or live!


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