Grateful for Past, Present and Future

I've been here in Ontario for a little over a week now, hanging out with my Dad and visiting with friends.  Though the old highschool "gang" is scattered across the globe, a few still remain in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area).  It warms my heart to be able to contact them without warning when I arrive and after almost 30 years of very infrequent visits, hear them ask "When can we get together?" 

I'm so grateful to have gotten to know this terrific group of people (we miss you so much Colin).  I moved here in the middle of Grade 11 and it took me a good year before I discovered where I belonged.  Best thing that could have happened to me. They were and are awesome!

Today on Gratitude Monday, I'm also thankful for the flexibility in my life that allows me to help my Dad when he needs me.

I'm thankful for Shelly Purdy who met me in the burbs rather than making me come all the way into her studio via Go-train and subway.  I'm very excited about the her designs that will turn our 25th anniversary Tahitian pearls into pendants.

I'm thankful to Jane and Knowles, old family friends who were in the city for a conference and cheered my Dad immensely when they came out for lunch. 

I'm grateful to my daughter, who is occupying Max and Pitou on her days off so they don't have to be stuck in their crates all day.

I'm thankful my daugther's housemates don't mind her having the dogs over and I'm immensely grateful Max hasn't destroyed anything in the house.

I'm grateful I found my Mom's gratitude journal this morning and discovered she had things to be grateful for, even in hard times.

I'm thankful for my amazing children who made me feel their love and gratitude on Mother's Day despite the fact we're a couple thousand miles apart.  I look forward to printing out the hilarious picture my son emailed me.  He  illustrated/photo shopped a crazy dream I had the other night and I'm still laughing about it. And I can't wait to be a part of the wonderful day my daughter has planned for us when I return.


  1. Suzan, Sorry I've been MIA but my What I Made Wednesday post will explain a lot!

    1. I've been anxiously awaiting your HP posts. So far it looks amazing!


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