Easter Weekend Gratitude

What a lovely Easter weekend we've had.  I did miss my son though, and it was the first time the Easter Bunny hasn't hidden eggs in our house in 27 years.  However, these are minor issues in the scheme of things - all part of kids growing up, and choosing to eat healthy.  

Today on Gratitude Monday, I am really appreciating the previous four days and am most grateful for:

125.  my favourite tree decorated by the wood faeries,

126.  the mild, sunny weather we've had the whole time,

127.  a body that's healthy enough to climb Knox Mountain twice in four days,

128.  time spent with my hubby running errands, watching movies, working and goofing around,

129.  discovering Long Island Medium is back on TLC..my guilty pleasure!

130.  two early morning hikes with my hubby, and the dogs along Mission Ridge,

131.  a long chat on the phone with my Dad, and

132.  the fact that our daughter was able to join us for Easter Dinner.

Just couldn't resist posting the view from the first leg of today's hike.  Check this link to see the map of the trails.  We hiked from the Ellis lot up to the first pavilion and then down Paul's Tomb trail to the Gordon trail which goes towards the summit via the Pavilion trail, then back down to Ellis via the Apex trail.


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