Family, Friends and Strangers

It's Gratitude Monday once again and though my plan was to list five things I'm grateful for each week, today's theme of thanking family, friends and strangers led me to come up with six off the top of my head so I'm breaking the rules already.  (A wise person once taught me the way to succeed was to learn the rules and then break them.)

So today I am:

11. grateful for my busy daughter and husband who do whatever it takes to keep our family traditions alive, getting up early this morning to carve the pumpkin together.

12.  grateful for my friend Janet who is a wonderful listener, a talented photographer, has a kind heart and a generous soul.

13.  grateful for the funny, crazy, smart, kind, thoughtful and supportive women in my book club.  You've enriched my life in so many ways.

14.  grateful for CBC radio for the daily companionship, the balanced newscasts and the intelligent programming that teaches me so much. (Happy 75th Birthday!)

15.  grateful to the people who sold us our house almost 16 years ago and included the hot tub in the price.  We ease ourselves into it several times a week to relieve our aching muscles.  It greatly improves my quality of life.

16.  so very grateful for family, friends and strangers who take the time to read my little missives and look at my photos.  I'm almost up to 4,000 views since May 1st.  Though it may be a drop in the bucket in the "interverse", it means a lot to me.


  1. Yeah for you, Suzan!!! And no rules, right!? We are all different and need to take our gratitude dedications the way we see fit. Just like you wouldn't train a ballerina the same way you wouldn't train a football linebacker, we all need our own, personalized rules to make life work best for us. Don't you agree?
    Happy Halloween!!!!! Love the "boo"tiful pics!

  2. I do agree Lilly! Thanks so much for your visits to my blog. :)


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