Afternoon Delight

I spend a lot of time in my kitchen.  It's where I do so many of the things I love to do -  cook, write,  and listen to CBC to name just a few.  And I  clean....  always clean... You'd think it'd be the cleanest room in the house.  Let's not go there.

There's something I love about the quality of the afternoon light that streams through the kitchen windows this time of year.  I can't explain it, but I tried to capture it. 


  1. I know exactly what you mean! In fact one of my entries in my Gratitude Journal was being thankful my kitchen faces East and I love the way the sun floods the room with warmth and light - better wake up than coffee. I love it so much one of my "must-haves" in our next house is the kitchen must face East.

  2. Sounds lovely! My kitchen faces South so I don't get that glowing morning light. Your east facing windows are great for getting African Violets to bloom if you didn't already know. ;)


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