I Spy Week 5

Week 5 on the photo a week challenge was "I Spy".  When the kids were little we would get the "I Spy" books from the library.  It made me think about taking a photo of some sort of object collage.  I also thought about taking a photo through something round, or through a window.  Then I saw some early snowdrops and thought Aha...I Spy spring!


  1. These snowdrops or Galanthus, meaning "milk flower", are very pretty and a cheery sign of the oncoming Spring. They are difficult to grow in almost all regions of Australia and the bulbs pricey to buy, It is very dry over here at present...not too many flowers around and many brown lawns although certain tree varieties are in full bloom.

  2. Are these snowdrops in your garden? If so, did you & Mike plant the bulbs or did they come with the property? What other flowers grow on your property? And finally, what is the National flower of Canada? I've only ever seen Snowdrops growing in England before. Excuse the volley of questions.


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