June is for Dads

Over the past couple of months I've been working my way through a few hundred slides my father gave me before he moved out of the old homestead.

I don't have a projector but I do have a handy dandy cheapo viewer I picked up from Lens and Shutter for less than $5.  I also have a slide scanner, a little portable one you can hook into any computer.  I doesn't do a very good job, so I selected a few slides to share with you on father's day and had London Drugs convert them into jpegs.  They had the best price at 99 cents each, and 60 cents if you had 100 or more.  Something to think about, but I also have 2,000 slides from Reg - birds, bees, insects and trees taken in Venezuela in the 60's and 70's.  I'm going to have to find another option I think.  In the meantime, enjoy these oldies but goodies, and a few more recent goodies.

JULY 1962

JULY 2014

 I'm guessing early 70's

JULY 1970

JULY 2008


My father's pride and joy...and me, 1965

Sadly the car was stolen and taken on a joy ride, full of groceries.   It didn't survive...

Summer 1967

Summer 2014


CHRISTMAS 1998 ish


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