Sunday Hike

Yesterday morning we took the dogs up to the summit of Black Knight Mountain, described in this link as a moderate 11.5 km hike on a gravel road.  The description is slightly dated as we discovered the first part of the hike  was paved not too long ago - I'm thinking during the last roadwork season.  I would have said our last time taking this hike was two summers ago.  When I did a search of this blog I learned it was in the Fall of 2011.  On that day, due to concerns about the setting sun we didn't make it to the top but promised we'd return soon.

My how time flies.  I was shocked to realize it's taken almost four years to get back.  I'm very pleased to report that today we did the return trip in three hours.  The photos included here were taken by my hubby with his Panasonic DMC-G2.

It's any easy to moderate hike, on a gravel trail with nothing too steep. In this case it's not the journey, it's the view.

South views

North view

We saw lots of deer tracks,  some larger prints that might have been cow or moose or a moose cow.  On the way back we found the steeply paved road challenging on sore muscles and ending up cutting across the cow pasture, dodging composting cow patties, deer pellets and marmot poop. The dogs were thrilled and considered it a buffet until they tired of us shouting "leave it!" and trotted down the hill chasing birds and grinning happily.


  1. You two are so lucky to be sufficiently mobile to WALK 11.5 km...what with my advanced age, callipers & Zimmer frame, I'd be lucky to make it out of the car!....


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