Snow Day!

I was wandering around in my long-johns this morning, waiting for it to get light so I could pull on my snow pants and frolic with the dogs in that pristine snow that fell yesterday.  I decided to kill some time on the computer and discovered a new post on my daughter's blog.  Winterlust was its title; a new word she coined, defining it as "Similar to wanderlust, it is a strong desire to romp around in a winter wonderland." Yup, I've definitely got a taste of winterlust this morning.  Turns out we got quite a dump of snow last night and it shows no signs of stopping.

I needed my snowshoes to make it up to the hill this morning.  It was quite a struggle to go as far as we did and the snow was coming down so heavily I decided not to bother trying to make it to the ridge, we just had a good slog through the snow and turned ourselves around not far past the first bench.  Hope you are enjoying some winterlust wherever you are.

I wore my snowshoes which I'm excited to say I've used twice in the past eight days.  The dogs and I took turns breaking trail.  It was little more challenging for petite Pitou.

Later in the afternoon, I went outside to clean off the car ...for the second time. I believe it's been snowing since yesterday afternoon and finally stopped at 4:00 today.  Let's hope they're wrong about the snow pellets.


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