The Nova Scotia Road Trip

Here's a small selection of photos from the Nova Scotia portion of the Road Trip I took with my Dad who spends his summers in Pugwash. We toured the Cabot Trail and stopped at a few memorable spots on the island of Cape Breton. Stay tuned for photos of my birth place (sort of) and my visit with the Smith side of the family in New Brunswick. 

 On the drive from Saint John to Pugwash

 In Pugwash the street signs are in English and Gaelic

 At cousin Glen's Cottage

 Dad and cousin Glen

Down to the beach from my Dad's trailer

Onward to the Cabot Trail!  But first a stop in Baddeck at the Alexander Graham Bell and Flight Museum

First stop on the Cabot Trail was a visit to a fiddling potter

 John Cabot and Dad

Reportedly the spot where John Cabot landed in Nova Scotia. 
It appears current travellers are still following his route to Canada.


We detoured off the Cabot Trail for a visit to Fort Louisbourg near Sydney.

Sydney Port


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