Volcanic Activities

As much as I'd like to describe each photo to you, I am under the gun time-wise so I'm just going to post them and hope my brief bit here will make sense.  

These are photos I took on the Big Island of Hawaii when we visited Volcanoes National Park.  Instead of heading around the bottom of the island on a 90 minute drive to the Park we did the "up and over"  in order to see more of the island.  We left around 8:00 a.m. and drove north east from Kailua Village along highway 190 to Waimea.  We continued on to the coast at Honoka'a where we turned south stopping at some of the the little towns, surf battered beaches and many waterfalls, until we headed back inland again at Hilo.  We arrived at Kilaeau Visitors Centre around 4:30.   We spent the night in a little three bedroom vacation rental not far from the park in the town of Volcano.  We got up early the next morning, before the sun rose so I could get a photo of the crater in the dark and then at sunrise.  The guide at the Visitors Centre said it would be worth it.  He was right, it looked much more dramatic in the dark, though the sun didn't rise behind the crater, so it wasn't the photo op I'd expected.

 Umauma Falls

Halema'uma'u Crater at sunrise.

Walking through a lava tube.

Lots of heat still found underground!

Where there's a will, there's a way.

You can see where the lava flowed all the way down to the ocean.


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