Inventive Advent

Though I've been too sick to haul out the Christmas decorations yet, I couldn't go without putting up the beautiful Advent Santa my sister-in-law made for me.   I really treasure it and it's always the first thing to go up each year.

There are so many different kinds of advent calendars out there.  I came across one a few days ago - probably on Pinterest - that piqued my interest.  I thought I'd share it with you incase you wanted to use it yourself.  It's an Advent Calendar with a twist, a daily Random Act of Kindness.  Check it out here.  

I subscribed in order to receive a daily reminder in my Yahoo mailbox.  The calendar is filled with creative, simple suggestions that anyone can do and it's a great way to keep the true meaning of Christmas alive as we go about preparing for this joyful holiday.


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