...and the Livin' is Filled With Gratitude.

I haven't posted on a Monday in a while...at least it seems that way.  One summer day runs into the other and if it wasn't for appointments with contractors and doctors I'd have no idea what day it was until I noticed my husband in bed past 5 on a Saturday morning.

Today I'm grateful for the fact that there are still four official weeks left of summer with Autumn, my favourite season right on it's heels.

I'm grateful for the time I spent in New York, all the sights we saw and fun we had, getting to know Tracy and Christina better, allowing myself to let go a little and not sweating the small stuff.  

Though with the humidity making it feel like 45 degrees some days, and all the walking and bike riding we did there was  definitely a lot of sweating going on. I lost almost 8 lbs, for which I'm most grateful!
I'm grateful we finally got out kayaking a couple of Sundays ago.  I'll have pictures once I find the cord for the small camera I took with us.

I'm grateful my Doctor finally did a neck x-ray and discovered some bone degeneration that could be contributing to the pain I've been struggling with for a few years.  Though it's nothing serious, nothing more than normal age related bone issues, I now have some useful recommendations and an excellent new anti-flammatory for the pain...pain free for a week now and much, much happier.

I'm thankful or the enjoyment and the great exercise the dogs and I get climbing up and down those sandy hills on Mission Ridge.  As the video below indicates, the dogs do get quite a bit more exercise than I.

I'm thankful for time spent with my husband biking the Myra Canyon Trestles and Trails Sunday morning.  How lucky we are to have this National Treasure just a short drive away.  

Stay tuned for a post about the trestles with just a few photos...

P.S.  It's here!


  1. we tried kayaking for the first time ever and, I can assure you, we will never be in a canoe ever again if we can help it. We LOVE kayaking; so much easier than canoeing. More control, lighter, and bunches more fun!

    1. I hear ya sister! My husband and I tried canoeing once during our first summer of marriage and almost divorced over it. :)


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