Gloomy Afternoon

My plan was to spend the day writing but as of 3:45 I have only gotten as far as  opening the file with my latest set of pages to be forwarded.  

This morning  I realized I was getting a bit behind again, so I did two loads of laundry, wrote and addressed most of my Christmas cards, went shopping for more cards, bought stamps and mailed what I had already done, bought some santa gifts and a couple of sweaters (I have no winter clothes!).  I came home for lunch and finished the rest of the cards.  The dogs were in need of a walk so I decided to mail the last of my cards at Sunshine Market, not too far away.  I was hoping to see something of interest to capture for today's post and took along my camera to make it true multi-tasking, but there wasn't much going on.  Most of my time was spent struggling with Max on the way there. 

Luckily, he seemed to get a clue on the way back.  It was gloomy and snowing wet flakes that didn't look like they'd be around very long.  I was feeling a bit bogged down as I trudged up the darkening street, disappointed I had no photo for today and wondering what I could make for dinner that was easy so I could spend at least an hour on my pages.  Ahead of me, something was flapping in the wind and I have to say I was cheered by the sight of this snowflake hanging over the sidewalk.  Sometimes a little thing can make a big difference.


  1. I have an admiration for people who work from home. There are so many other distractions vying for your attention. Laundry, dirty toilets, and early dinner prep (sorry for pairing toilets with food) is just constantly calling you, stealing your time and attention. But discipline prevails, and for that you should be commended. I know you don't win the battle everyday, but the war will be won in the end. Kudos!


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