The Way I Are

When I walk the dogs on the lower trail in Mission Ridge Park, I often end the walk along Hubbard and Raymer Road. Near the end of Hubbard, a bungalow that's been having some exterior renos done has this charming retro patio set under a massive tree on the front lawn.  The rich red upholstery and the curly black wrought iron put me in mind of the The Queen of Hearts from Disney's Alice In Wonderland.  I walked past the house a few weeks ago and it made a perfect picture, with leaves dangling from the branches above and seats and table scattered with fallen leaves below.  Of course I didn't have my camera.  

I've deliberately walked passed it three times now, with my camera, but I think you can see that the way it looks now doesn't create the charming photo I'd hope for.  It's kind of messy with the fan rake leaning against the table top and the chair resting precariously on it's front legs.  On Monday I considered walking right in and moving the rake, righting the chair, and perhaps moving the other three chairs as well, but I'm very sensitive to boundaries.

Today when I walked past for the third time, I took a picture to share with you anyway.  I thought about knocking on the door and asking if they'd mind if I moved the rake and took a photo, but I decided today might not be the best day.  There was a car parked at an odd angle on the street in front of the house, pointed in the wrong direction.  Heavy metal music blasted out the front door and I just didn't get a welcoming vibe.  I know, I know, I hear you telling me to just dooo it but I'm going to wait until it's a bit quieter.  That's just the way I am. 


  1. No, don't do it - well, at least not changing the scene your camera sees. I love this photo and I love that it represents a work in progress with the rake leaned against the table, the rotting pumpkin, the exhausted chair. I love it! I think the key behind a good picture is not staging the scene. This pictures says so much more and is much more interesting than if you had got it ready for it's "spring catalog" shot.

  2. Thanks Lilly, another friend of mine said something similar. It does give a different feel doesn't it? There's a story there. I do love that little pumpkin with the waving stem.


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