Endings and Beginnings

Taha'a sunrise  March 8, 2011 6:13 a.m.* 

To me the morning sunrise represents renewal and hope. Each day begins with a blank slate and an infinite number of possibilities.  We can't choose what the day will bring, but we can choose how we will deal with the adventures and challenges that come our way.  This morning I'm thinking about two people who recently gave me advice on how to approach these challenges - one person I've never met, the other I've known since birth.

I'm thinking of the last words of Jack Layton, who will be laid to rest today:

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear.  Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world."

I'm thinking of the similar words from my mother whose ashes were interred at the gravesite of her parents in Saint John this past Thursday morning.  Her last message to us was a bible verse from Corinthians:

"And now my friends, goodbye!  Strive for perfection; listen to my appeals; agree with one another, live in peace.  And the God of love and peace will be with you..."

Thank you both for words to live by.

*Though my intent was to get a sunrise photo this morning, at 5:40 my blood sugar was 3.2 (normal is 5.5) and I could barely walk up the stairs, never mind drive across the lake for a good sunrise shot.  I thought this one taken on our trip to the Tahitian Islands in March would do.


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