Kelowna on a Mural

Sometimes google sucks. I can find no information on this mural. Going to have to do some deeper digging and get back to you. I was heading to Knox Mountain for a hike on Sunday and took the back way. I came across this stunning mural that I thought was painted on the back of the BC fruit packers building but it turns out it's on the back of a warehouse next to the Sun-Rype plant., The last few photos are a bad angle because there was a big truck in the way so I had to make my way around it as best I could. It's a lovely mural by a talented artists (whose name I couldn't find). I believe he or she has a fair bit of work displayed around our fair city of Kelowna B.C. ...and I couldn't resist posting a couple of shots of the lake from my favourite spot on Knox Mountain. Looking north Looking south