Blue Sunday

I was listening to North by Northwest on CBC Radio Sunday Morning and Sheryl MacKay asked people to post what the weather was like in their area and what they were planning to do this Sunday morning. I thought "Why not." and posted "In Kelowna it's blue as far as the eye can see, which will be even farther once I reach the top of Knox Mountain this morning." Looks like I was right. Here are some pix of Sunday Hike #5: Along the path to Paul's Tomb The hills are alive with Arrowleaf Balsamroot At the 2km mark looking towards Vernon Pitou LeChien and Maximus Decimus Meridius Sunday sail near Riverside Forest Products Along the Pavilion Trail. The dogs and I did the 9km hike in about 2 hours while hubby golfed. I later learned that Ms. MacKay read my comment on air, so I can add NXNW to the CBC radio shows I've been on, or been mentioned on. So far I've been quoted, performed on or been played on Hot...