You Wish!

This morning, with Spring and the rainy season fast approaching I took the opportunity to remove the wishes from the Wishing Tree. I have copied the wishes for you to read below, exactly as they occur on the tags, including any grammar and spelling errors. People rarely wish for "things" or money though there's nothing wrong with it if they do. Reading so many of these wish tags leaves me with a bitter sweet feeling. It warms my heart to see that people so often wish for things for others. And some of the things people are struggle with really break my heart. I wish the best for everyone who posted this year, and I wish the best for you too! I wish for peace determination & Love filled Xmas for those suffering with cancer I wish that everyone gets what they want and be happy I wish no one would die painfully I wish for all the people I love to lead a happy and positive life I wish my missing dog MAPLE would be ret'd to us I wish my kids wo...