Saturday morning, I told my hubby we needed a decent desk for the office. Currently I'm using a table covered by a computer, printer, office supplies, no keyboard tray and no room to work. I suggested we go to Costco. He balked at the idea. "I don't want to go out," he said in a grumpy voice. I'd noticed my normally active and easy going hubby had been a little down and low key lately, spending most of his free time parked in front of the TV watching American and European football with the odd hockey game thrown in for variety. Though there were recent rumours of sunshine, the first few weeks of the New Year were mostly overcast, grey and even foggy for a couple of days. I diagnosed my hubby with the January Blahs and immediately went to my laptop to have a look at the Big White webcams. For those of you who don't know, Big White is a ski hill about a forty minute drive from Kelowna out Highway 33. The internet showed sunshine and b...