Golfing has never been my pastime of choice, infact the one good thing about my shoulder issues is that they've prevented me from having to enter a number of golf tournaments. I am therefore pleasantly surprised to say I really enjoyed my Saturday afternoon golfing adventure at Kelowna's Harvest Golf Club with three of my favourite ladies. I'm not sure what made me agree to go along with them, probably the fact that it would be low key, no pressure, and end with an alcoholic beverage. My husband cobbled together a set of clubs from some of his left overs, put them in an old plaid bag my Dad had brought out with him a few years ago, and I was ready to go. The Harvest is a beautiful course set on a working apple orchard with ten different apple varieties. They also grow three varieties of wine grapes harvested by Calona Vineyards . We couldn't have asked for a nicer October day. The sun shone, there was low cloud over the lake b...